SUPPORT Friends of Royal Oak Township (FOROT) by enrolling in the Kroger Community Rewards program:
All you do is register and swipe your rewards card or enter phone number each time you shop at Kroger!
To enroll your card simply go to
Click “sign-in”
Put in your email address and password which was used to enroll the plus card.
Put in the group number or part of the name of the organization.
Choose the correct organization (DK675).
Click Enroll.
You are now enrolled for Friends of Royal Oak Township Kroger Community Rewards.
If you are having an issue with your password and or email address, please call 1-800-KROGERS, press 5 for customer service, press 5 to speak to a customer service representative.
If this is the first time you are registering, you will need to set-up an account first.
For a member to enroll their card simply go to
Click “create an account”
Put in your preferred email address and password. Confirm their password.
Enter plus card OR alt ID number (phone number) or
Do you use your phone number at the register? Call 877-576-7587 to get your Kroger Plus card number.
Go to Community Rewards (near bottom)
Follow through the steps. (Name, address, etc.)
Put in the group number (DK675) or part of the name of the organization.
Choose the correct organization.
Click Enroll.
You are now enrolled for Friends of Royal Oak Township Kroger Community Rewards.
For more information about the Kroger Community Rewards program, please visit Kroger's website.